The club took delivery of a converted and insulated container for use as a clubhouse in early July curtesy of Mr Clive Knowles. It arrived in a bright blue colour but was soon planned to be painted in a more subtle, background blending forest green. The external re painting is currently ongoing and to be followed by an internal lick of paint to freshen up the appearance. It is equipped with a work top and sink and has full electrics, however nothing is currently connected/plumbed-in as it’s position is temporary. There is a butane gas stove, mugs (thanks John Taylor) and a supply of water if you fancy a brew but you will be required to bring your choice of drink + milk and sugar!!
The future plan as currently envisaged is to move the clubhouse container so that it sits on top of our range storage container whereby decking and stairs would be put in place to be able to use it and enjoy commanding views over the range. This of course will all take time and is scheduled by the range owner Mr Clive Knowles.
You may also by now be aware that there are grand plans for a more substantial clubhouse to be built by the BIC for our use plus occasionally Clive’s family members. We have no details or dates as yet for the commencement of this project.
Very exciting times ahead but all this takes time and for the most part it is out of our hands so we have to be patient, when one considers what we have achieved in just over twelve months with limited resources and small working parties; we should be very proud of where we are now compared to where we were not too long ago.