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Beginners Courses


Frequently Asked Questions

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the courses we offer at the club.


Here are the answers to some questions that others have asked:

Please note that the minimum age is 10yrs old

“Can anyone do a Beginner’s Course?”

Yes, within very few limits. Participants can be any age over 10 years and any gender. Archery is a sport that is open to all, whether they may be physically or mentally handicapped or not, within certain constraints of safety, sufficient physical mobility and degree of strength to handle a bow.


“What provision is there for children on a course?”

The club accepts applications for Beginner’s Courses from age 10 years. It is felt that before this there is difficulty understanding the concepts being taught, possible difficulties in taking instruction, and attention issues.

For children below 18 we request a parent, or a responsible adult nominated by the parents, to be present during each lesson. Of course, even better would be for parents to also participate.

The club follows all ArcheryGB’s “Safeguarding Children and Young People” policies and guidelines and has a dedicated Child Welfare and Protection Officer.   


“Will there be any physical contact during the lessons?”

By nature of archery being a physical sport, there is sometimes need to guide a pupil in correct stance: turning shoulders to face correct direction, elbows or forearms, guiding the bow hand or the string hand to the correct position, and perhaps other slight details of the archer’s position. If participants, or their parents, feel apprehensive in this then please mention it to the coaches, who remain open at all times to concerns of those taking part. 


“What clothing should I wear?”

For comfortable shooting you should wear clothes that are not loose and baggy, but not tight and constricting either. Depending on the weather please dress appropriately and bring jacket and/or waterproof accordingly. In sunny weather please bring a hat for shade protection. The best type of hat for archery has a floppy brim to provide shade for the eyes but not get in the way of the bow string, such as a denim “bucket hat”. A collarless shirt (e.g. tee-shirt, sweatshirt, polo shirt, etc), or a shirt whose collar can be tucked under, so that the bow’s string does not snag.


“What should I wear on my feet?”

It is most importantly you should wear sturdy outdoor shoes. Please do not wear open-toed sandals under any circumstances.


“Do I need to bring any equipment?”

No, all equipment that you will need to learn archery will be provided by the club. You will be assessed as to your height, arm length and physical strength in order to match you to a suitable size bow. There are bows of various lengths and strengths, and arrows of a variety of lengths.  


“What special preparations should I make before arriving?”

Please ensure that your hair is tied back out of you face, again so as not to be caught in the bow string. Please also temporarily remove any face jewellery, etc, as this too would cause serious injury if caught in the bow string.


“What happens if weather conditions force postponement of the lesson?”

The coach will endeavour to monitor the forecast weather and will pre-warn participants if the lesson cannot go ahead as planned. In such case an alternative day will be arranged. However, there is little weather-wise that may lead to postponing a lesson other than storm. If it is merely light rain, or even strong wind but otherwise dry, lessons can still go ahead.


“What happens if I miss a lesson?”

If for some reason you cannot attend a scheduled lesson you can arrange a “catch-up” session with the coaches.


“Are there indoor archery facilities if it is raining?”

No, the club only has outdoor archery ranges. See above.


“Will there be an opportunity for a break during the lesson?”

Indeed, each 3-hour lesson will be split into two periods with a break between. Please ensure that you bring any refreshments that you may wish to take as drinks and snacks are not available from the clubhouse cabin. Please anyway bring water for re-hydration, especially during warmer summer weather.


“Are there any toilet facilities available at the club field?”

Yes, the club has two Portaloos at the field, one for gentlemen and one for ladies, both are wheelchair-capable.


“Is there any car parking available at the club?”

Yes, the club field has significant space for parking, without having to use the British Ironwork Centre’s parking.


“What happens at the end of the course?”

Participants are given a Beginner’s Course Certificate as proof that they have completed a recognised training programme. You can then join the club as an active member when you will be guided in improving your skills. The club offers open coaching sessions for members and there is the opportunity to book one-to-one coaching with one of our Coaches. As your skills improve there are various award schemes to measure your progress, as well as being able to take part in informal club shoots and enter inter-club competitions, at any level.


“At the end of the course must I only join Croesoswallt club?”

No, you are free to choose another club if you wish. The Beginner’s Course follows a standard format as required by ArcheryGB and is the same for all UK clubs. You will be given a certificate at the end of the course and with that you can go to another club to prove that you have completed the recognised training to a required standard.


“After the course and on joining the club, will I need to buy my own equipment?”

Having completed the course, if a participant is enthusiastic to continue in the sport, there is a natural tendency to want to go out and buy equipment. However, we guide novice archers not to do so straight away. There is a period of rapid improvement and any equipment purchased early will soon become redundant. Also there is so much choice on the market that novices are overwhelmed by not knowing what to buy. We encourage novices to continue using the bow that they have become used to in training. As their strength and muscle tone improves, so they can use another club bow of higher draw weight, and learn more about the technology of the sport. Usually novices are ready to purchase their own equipment between 6 to 12 months after starting. Other club members are a great source of experience in guiding the novice in their choice.


“Do I have to join a club to continue in archery?”

Yes. By being a club member you are also enrolled as a member of the national governing body – ArcheryGB, for which you receive a membership identity card. In this way your activities are covered by ArcheryGB’s insurance.


There is no provision to participate in archery outside of a registered club. In UK it is illegal to use a bow for any form of hunting, or in any public area. (It is illegal to carry a “strung” bow in public). Using a bow on private land is not covered by any insurance. (Archery in your garden will not be covered under household insurances should there by an accident or damage caused to your or your neighbour’s property). You are not able to participate in any organised archery events, or to use any club’s facilities as a “Visitor” unless you are first registered with a “home club” and hence with Archery GB.  

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